Friday 19 June 2015

Earn Money By PPC Adds ( 2015)

Earn Money with Your Blog using Advertisements 

The phrase MAKING MONEY ONLINE is not rare now, and is no longer a mystery. This phrase is among the words which are searched the most now a days. A rapid growth has been seen in the new users of internet for the sake of money, now hundreds of people join the internet not only for connecting with people but also for making some money online. The United States and other western countries’ users had already have the concept ofMAKING MONEY ONLINE since the starting of this century; but in countries like Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria etc, it got popular among all just few years back. Now every second internet user tries to find the real ways of making money and also wants to become an entrepreneur. So keeping this in mind, we started a series of video tutorials about earning with internet and thus, we are coming up with PPC ads networks’ tutorial which is considered the best and the easiest way toEARN MONEY ONLINE on the internet.
earn with ppc ads

How to Earn money with PPC ads?

 PPC stands for PAY PER CLICK] and these advertisement networks give you chance to earn money from your website by showing their advertisement inside your content and when their ads be clicked by visitors they’ll pay you for those clicks. To earn money with any PPC network you must have at least one website or blog which is having original and unique content. You can’t show their ads on copied material or illegal content. Also clicks should be genuinely generated by visitor’s interest.

How Many PPC networks are there?

There are hundreds of PPC networks on the web who provide you ads based on PPC. But all of them don’t work the same, however, some very popular PPC networks can be selected to work with and the list of top PPC networks is given below:
  • GOOGLE ADSENSE [text ads, image ads, animated ads, video ads and links units]
  • Infolinks: [only for text based content and shows only text ads]
  • ClickSor: [Text ads, image ads and pop up ads]
  • Adbrite: [text ads and image ads] (this is closed now)
  • Adhitz: [text ads and image ads]
  • Chitika: [Links and text ads]
  • adCenter: [Text and image ads] This is is by Yahoo & Bing
  • Kontera: [text ads]
  • CLICKBOOTH: [text and image ads]
  • ExitJunction: [Text & image ads]
You can easily register your website or blog over these ad networks and each of them have different criteria and requirements. I’ve practically shown creating account on some ad networks in above video tutorials and rest you can do by yourself.
Over to you:
It’s up to you how to do find yourself comfortable with these networks, however, one thing is to make sure that they pay you on time for your hard work. Let me know if you have further questions by commenting below the post.

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