Wednesday 17 June 2015

Earn money without doing any work

Getting money without working - if it were that easy, wouldn't we all do it? While there's generally no such thing as a free lunch, there are certain ways to raise funds for yourself with very little or no effort on your part. However, many of these methods require, at the very least, an investment of time or money that you already have. As such, they can be more effective when accompanied by actual work than not.

Method 1 of 2: Making Money with Little or No Initial Investment

  1. Get Money Without Working Step 01.jpg
    Rent out a room in your house. If you have a room (or rooms) that are going unused in your house, consider furnishing them and renting them out to tenants. If you do so, be sure to abide by the laws that govern landlords in your local area with regards to rent levels, amenities, and the like. Doing this allows you to collect a sizable check every month without any work beyond preparing the room for occupancy.
    • Only rent rooms to responsible, trustworthy tenants who will pay you on time and respect your property. Don't be afraid to require the number of a previous landlord and/or a copy of a recent pay stub from prospective occupants.
    • Services such as Airbnb can help connect you with travelers and others looking for short-term rentals. This can enable you to charge a significantly higher rate per night than if you rent the room by the month.
  2. Get Money Without Working Step 02.jpg
    Marry into wealth. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. All you potentially need to do to start living a life of comfort and luxury is to charm, romance, and eternally devote yourself to someone who comes from money! However, before you do this, weigh your pros and cons carefully. If you happen to truly, sincerely love a fabulously wealthy person, then, by all means, get married, but if you're interested in someone primarily for their money, ask yourself whether it's really worth living the rest of your life with someone you're not keen on simply for financial convenience!
  3. Get Money Without Working Step 03.jpg
    Host a successful website. If you have a popular website, you can use many strategies to monetize it. This option is especially viable if you're able to get cheap or free web hosting, or if you're able to strike a deal with a website with a large audience (like YouTube) to distribute your content. Options for making money off of your website are diverse and include:
    • Selling advertising space
    • Selling original content to other websites
    • Selling merchandise
    • Membership fees
    • Voluntary patronage and fundraising efforts via sites like Kickstarter or Patreon
  4. Get Money Without Working Step 04.jpg
    Gamble. Gambling has allowed a few lucky souls to get rich quick, but has drained the bank accounts of countless more. While there's a chance you may win big, there's always a larger chance that you'll end up losing money in the long run - the old adage "the house always wins" is true. If you do choose to risk your money in aCASINO, play a game that requires some amount of skill and intelligence, like poker, rather than one that's completely luck-based, like the slot machines. This way, you'll at least be able to practice and study strategy to increase your chances of winning, however dubiously.
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    Inherit money. If you have a wealthy, elderly relative, you may receive money when the time comes to read his or her will. Of course, if your relative regards you fondly, s/he is more likely to write you into the will than if s/he doesn't, so try to stay on your elderly relatives' good sides. Hopefully, this goes without saying, as treating the elderly with love and respect solely in an attempt to get their money is obviously incredibly cruel and cynical.
  6. Get Money Without Working Step 06.jpg
    Win the lottery.LOTTERY TICKETS generally cost just a few dollars and are available at most grocery and convenience stores, so this is one of the cheapest, least work-intensive ways of making money. However, you're much more likely to lose money byPLAYING THE LOTTERY than to win a big prize.
    • Always expect to lose the money you spend onLOTTERY TICKETS. The lottery should be a cheap amusement, not a serious habit and certainly not a means of supporting yourself.
  7. Get Money Without Working Step 07.jpg
    Beg or panhandle. When all else fails, you always have the option of simplyasking for money, though this should be a last resort. If you do this, you'll probably want to do it on a busy street or some other safe public place that receives plenty of pedestrian or car traffic. An even better idea is to make use of your talents by panhandling - playing an instrument, singing, performing magic tricks, or putting on a performance in some other way. This may make you more money, as many people are reluctant to give money to non-performing beggars for fear that they are enabling a freeloader or drug abuser - sad but true.

  8. METHOD 2 of 2

  1. Get Money Without Working Step 08.jpg
    Become a moneylender. Many - but not all - effort-free schemes for earning money are only possible if you already have a certain amount of money to work with. For example, money lending, one of the oldest and most important (and often most reviled) professions in the world simply requires you to have money to lend out in the first place. If you do, you won't have to work to make more money - just wait. By charging a percentage interest on your loans, you ensure that the sums of money you lend out earn you profit in the long run. Keep in mind, however, that if someone you lend money to can't pay back his or her loan, they may declare bankruptcy, at which point you may need to forfeit some or all of your money, so only lend to people who are responsible enough to pay you back.
    • In most jurisdictions, the practice of usury (or loansharking), charging exorbitant interest rates on loans, is a crime. If you wish to become a money lender, be sure to abide by any and all applicable laws in your area.
  2. Get Money Without Working Step 09.jpg
    Earn interest. Instead of letting the money you have languish in a low-interest savings account (or under your mattress), instead, put it into a higher-interest money-market or certificate of deposit (CD) account. These types of accounts pay a higher rate of interest than normal savings accounts - the more money you place in the account, the more interest you stand to make in interest payments, which you can use to supplement your actual income without the need for any additional work. Ask a professional at your local bank for help placing money in these types of accounts.
    • Note that these types of accounts can require a minimum balance to start generating interest. The size of this minimum balance can vary from institution to institution.
  3. Get Money Without Working Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    Invest in the stock market. One way to make money without working is to playTHE STOCK MARKET to your advantage. Stock trading is by no means risk-free — countless fortunes have been made and lost on Wall Street — but if you're smart, careful, and, most importantly, a little lucky, you can stand to make lots of money onTHE STOCK MARKET. Whatever investments you choose to make, be conservative - never invest any money in the stock market that you can't stand to lose.
  4. Get Money Without Working Step 11.jpg
    Invest in a business. Becoming a member of the board of investors of a successful business is a sure-fire way to become wealthy - as the company makes profits, you'll receive payments (called "dividends") proportionate to your financial stake in the company and the amount of profit it's making. However, as with almost any other type of investment, it's perfectly possible to lose money by investing in a business if the company goes bankrupt or fails to turn a profit. Because of this, you'll want to choose your investments carefully - only give money to businesses whose viability you are very confident in. The counsel of a professional financial adviser can help you make smart investment choices.
    • Only invest in legitimate businesses that are willing to enter legally binding contracts that specify they will have to pay you dividends when they become profitable. Never invest in risky amateur schemes or in ventures that only offer the assurance of an oral contract.
  5. Get Money Without Working Step 12.jpg
    Flip real estate. "House flipping" refers to the process of buying cheap, run-down property, increasing its value (either by adding improvements or simply by waiting for the market to perk up), and then re-selling it for a profit. With smart choices and practical know-how with regard to home repair, you can stand to make dozens of thousands of dollars per flip in a very short amount of time.
    • However, not only does real estate flipping require a sizable initial investment to buy real estate in the first place, but it is also subject to the caprices of the real estate market. If the market suffers a crash, the value of any real estate you own can suddenly drop, causing you to lose much of your investment.

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