Tuesday 16 June 2015

Top 100 ways to make money fastly and easily.

1. Have a garage sale – We average about $150 per garage sale so you can earn some decent cash without even leaving your house.
2. Sell on Craigslist – What you can’t sell at your garage sale, you may be able to sell on Craigslist. This is especially good for selling large items.
3. Sell on eBay – eBay is an excellent place to sell small, high value items, especially if they’re unique.
4. Sell other people’s stuff on Craigslist or eBay – This is taking selling on Craigslist and eBay to a higher level. You’re not just selling your own stuff, you’re getting more stuff to sell from friends and neighbors. Give them a cut of the take and you’ll have plenty to sell forever.
5. Consignment shops – There are different items you can sell on consignment, but it tends to work best for furniture and clothing.
6. Amazon – Similar to eBay, Amazon.com may work better for entertainment media, such as books, music and movies.
7. Half.com – eBay’s answer to Amazon, Half.com is a place to sell entertainment media and textbooks.
8. Resell unused gift cards – Check your wallet and your dresser – you probably have unused gift cards. Some may even be to merchants you don’t frequent. If that’s the case, get some cash back on them by selling them on CardCash. You won’t get the full value of the cards, but it’s better than having them sit unused.
9. Flea markets and swap meets – This is the garages sale concept taken on the road to a place where there are a lot more potential customers.
10. Sell your used cell phones, iPad or Mac – Your used electronic equipment may have value, particularly if it’s recent and in good condition. Check out Gazelle.com. They give you an estimate on your equipment, and the better stuff could fetch some real money.
11. Collect and sell scrap metal – If you have a light pick-up truck or just a good trailer, you can collect scrap metal from neighborhoods, building sites and junkyards, then sell it to scrap metal dealers. Check out scrap metal prices, then do a Google search on “where can I sell scrap metal in (my town)”.
12. Sell your stuff to a pawn shop – You won’t get retail price for your merchandise, but it offers a quick sale for cash.
13. Gold jewelry and silverware – Take yourGOLD jewelry and silverware to gold dealers or jewelers and you’ll likely fetch a better price than going to the WE BUY GOLD” storefronts populating strip malls.
14. Musical instruments – There’s a brisk market for used musical instruments (check out the prices for brand new ones and you’ll immediately see why). You can sell them on Craigslist for top dollar, but if you want quick cash, offer to sell them to music stores.
15. Sell homemade crafts – If you can make handicrafts, Etsy could be the place to sell them. If making crafts is an ongoing hobby, you could have an ongoing cash source from the site.
16. Resell your moving boxes – You probably paid at about $200 on your last move if you have an average size home. Someone else may be more than willing to pay you 50 cents on the dollar for them. Try Craigslist.
17. Return old purchases or gifts – If you’ve received gifts you really don’t want – and they’re still in the packages – try returning them. Some retailers will take them back up to a year later.

Quick cash on the job

Your job is one of the best and most convenient places to make some extra cash. You may have to think a little bit out of the box, so try these on for starters.
18. Volunteer for overtime – Most of us shrink away from overtime because of the extra hours. But if you need money, let your supervisor know that you’re available to work.
19. Contract for an ugly job at work – As an alternative to working overtime, you can offer to contract for jobs at work that nobody else wants. Offer to work on the jobs for a flat fee that will be paid outside your regular paycheck.
20. Employee referral program – If your employer offers a bonus to refer new employees to them, take advantage of it and start referring. It’ll be the easiest money you’ll ever make.
21. Customer referral program – Likewise, see if your employer might also have a customer referral program. If they do, put on your salesman’s hat and start beating the bushes for potential customers.
22. Make a killer suggestion – Many employers have a suggestion box, but most employees ignore it. If the company pays a bonus for workable suggestions, get busy. You may get the bonus because no one else participates.

Quick cash off the job

You can often make some quick cash doing jobs that require no special skills, just a desire to do them. And you can find them all around you.  These are also great ways for teens to make some quick cash.
23. Baby sitting – Where I live babysitters earn $10 an hour. Pull a couple of five hour gigs this weekend, and you’ll have $100.
24. Pet sitting – The nice part of this type of sitting is that you don’t have to stay with the pet for hours. Usually, you’re just looking in on it every couple of hours, then walking it and feeding it as necessary. Because of that you can maintain several pet sitting jobs simultaneously.
25. House sitting – People who travel frequently, especially on a long-term basis; may need someone to watch their homes for a fee. You can check local newspapers and Craigslist for opportunities. If you’d like to use a central site, MindAHome.com can provide an online source of clients.
26. Temporary part time jobs – You can get a seasonal part-time job based on summer, back-to-school, any of the major holidays or even during snow season. A couple of weeks of part-time work can easily get you $100 and a whole lot more.
27. Become a referral source for a sales person or company – If you know any real estate agents, insurance agents, car dealers or just about any one who sells for a living, ask about being a compensated referral source for them. A $100 referral isn’t hard to get.
28. Sell photos on Shutterstock – Shutterstock.com is a giant site that allows you to post and sell your photos online for a fee. Functioning something like eBay for photos, it’s a central place to sell your photos.
29. Turn your photography skills to cash – If you’ve checked photographers prices lately you know they can be prohibitive. If you’re good at photography, you might be able to photograph a special event or two for at least $100.
30. Become an instructor at a local gym – If you think that the only people who work in gyms are personal trainers, guess again. If you know yoga, zumba, jazzercise, cycling or just about any other activity that keeps people moving, there may be a teaching position waiting for you at the gym.
31. Write product review articles for blogs – If you’re a tech junkie and buy a lot of new products, you may be able to do paid reviews on blogs. Blogs often have affiliate arrangements with tech products and will pay for user reviews.
32. Bartend for an event or a weekend – If you can bartend you can pick up a quick hundred (or more) working a couple of weekend parties or even a wedding.
33. Join a focus group – Universities, marketing groups and research organizations will often pay participants in focus groups. Check with schools in your area as well as Craigslist to see what’s happening.
34. Be a session musician – If you can play guitar, drums, keyboards and even some wind and string instruments’ you may be able to get work as a session musician in a band or orchestra. In some cases you can make well over $100 for just a single session.
35. Become a moving billboard – If you don’t mind having a large commercial sign on your car – or having it “wrapped” in ad material, you can earn up to $400 per month with FreeCarMedia.com.
36. Moving furniture – Some people are making local moves without the benefit of a professional moving company. If you don’t mind (really) hard work, you may be able to pick up $100 or more this weekend. Check the ads on Craigslist.
37. Cutting lawns – Even people who cut their own lawns get in a jam from time to time and need someone to pinch hit for them. They could be going on vacation or dealing with an illness or injury. Two or three cuts could get you to $100 in no time.
38. Painting – Do you know anyone who needs a room or two painted? If you’re handy when it comes to painting, offer to do it for them for $100 per room – plus paint.
39. Spring or fall clean-ups – Seasonal yard clean-ups are more involved than regular lawn cutting. It may involve weeding flower beds, trimming hedges, raking leaves and cleaning out other debris. $100 a job should be the minimum.
40. Shoveling snow – I’ve known kids who have made well over $50 shoveling in the local neighborhood after just a modest snowfall. Just a couple of storms will get you to $100 just from knocking on doors during the late stages of the storm.
41. Cleaning houses – Some people let the house cleaning go a bit too long, then they don’t want to even attempt it. Others get a little busy and just need some help. You should be able to pick up $100 or more just from cleaning a couple of houses.
42. Wash, wax and detail cars – Some people actually like cleaning cars. Most of us hate it. If you’re one who likes it, you can make some easy money working for those of us who’d rather not.
43. Cleaning gutters – If being up on a ladder doesn’t scare you, you can make a quick $100 (at least) on just a single job.
44. Setting up pools for the summer – Everybody loves having a pool, except when it comes time to set it up for the summer. If you know how to do it, you can make an easy $100 on just a couple of jobs. And when fall comes and it’s time to close them down, you can come back for Round Two.
45. Setting up holiday decorations – Everybody loves holiday decorations too, but not nearly everyone like putting them up – or taking them down. At Halloween and Christmas you can probably get at least $100 to put up decorations, then take them down later.
46. Taking surveys – Some companies will pay you for your opinions. Check out MySurvey.comas a place to find them. You earn points which you can redeem for cash.
InboxDollarsYou canEARN FREE CASH by taking surveys with InboxDollars. You’ll earn a $5.00 bonus when you sign up! You can also use it as your primary search engine and make even more money. Plus, there are several other ways to earn money. Click here to see them all!
You can also free cash by doing what you’re already doing online with Swagbucks. Get $5 just for signing up (just name and email address) by clicking here.
47. Mystery shopper – This is one of the most popular recommendations when it comes to making extra cash, but you need a reliable source of jobs. Mystery Shopping Providers Association can be that source.
48. Participate in marketing research – Companies are always performing market research on both new and existing products and services. Sign up with a service like Concepts Consumer Research to advertise your availability.
49. Clean carpets – Have you ever cleaned your own carpets? If so, go rent a machine and clean someone else’s – for cash.
50. Carpool – and be the driver – If you have coworkers (or people who work in the area you do), offer to drive them in for a fee. $25 per week per person could bring in $100 with just two riders for two weeks. Try advertising in the company newsletter, or posting the offer on bulletin boards around the office.


In general, micro-projects are small projects that pay no more than a few dollars each. You make money by doing several in a short amount of time, and there are websites available that you can do them through.
51. Gigwalk – Gigwalk involves taking photos, picking up menus and various other small assignments in your area. It
works on an app that you download onto your phone. You receive the job orders, accept them and confirm that the job is complete.
52. Mechanical Turk – This is a work-at-home arrangement and it’s part of Amazon.com.Mechanical Turk pays a few dollars per assignment, typically involving work such as writing product reviews, editing and related tasks.
53. TaskRabbit – Similar to Gigwalk, but you can also access the assignments online, as well as by a phone app. TaskRabbit is limited to just a few cities.
54. CloudFactory – CloudFactory participants mainly enter, collect, process or categorizes data for companies, primarily for employers based in various emerging markets.
55. FOAP – You enter and sell your photos to commercial interests through their site. They can be sold on FOAP for $10, with 50% paid to the site.
56. PleaseBringMe – A travel barter exchange between individuals, rather than employers, withPleaseBringMe you perform tasks for pay that are unique to your home country.
57. BidOnMyGig – The service isn’t available yet, but BidOnMyGig allows clients to post projects online and have qualified service providers bid on them. The qualified service provider is of course you.
58. EXEC Cleaning – As the name implies, EXEC Cleaning involves the providing the services of an executive assistant, but on a personal level. It could involve getting lunch, delivering documents or even cleaning an executives house.
59. MobileWorks – MobileWorks involves jobs as a technical virtual assistant, including online research, tagging images and creative writing, and you must speak English.
60. PinDone – Available only in California, PinDone involves tasks such as doing mail outs and driving someone to the airport. The pay seems decent for the tasks, but you do have bid on them, and reputation within the site is important.
61. WeGoLook – As you might guess from the name, WeGoLook has you working as an inspector at large. You will inspect buildings, cars or some other high value item, verify that it exists, that it works, take photos, and write any necessary reports.
62. PostMates – This service involves being a virtual go-fer. Post Mates is a delivery service where you may be asked to pick up coffee, lunch, groceries or anything the customer requests.
63. Fiverr – More technical but simple tasks that you post on the site. Fiverr pays $5 per job, and includes work such as tasks on websites and related jobs.
64. Agent Anything – Mostly for colleges students, Agent Anything can involve running errands, engaging in marketing activities or even doing temp work.
65. UserTesting.com – Roughly speaking, UserTesting.com involves doing reviews of websites, mostly rating based on user experience.
66. Zaarly.com – Similar to Gigwalk, Zaarly involves running errands in your local area for out of town clients.
67. MiNeeds – Something of a job board for people with defined skills, MiNeeds.com has you competing for jobs.

Using your house to make money

You may be able to pick up $100 or more without ever leaving your house – by using your house to make money.
68. Renting out a room – If it’s permissible in your community, you can rent a room to a boarder for $100 per week, or $400 per month – more if you live in a highly desirable location.
69. Renting out space – If someone needs temporary storage, consider renting out your basement or a spare bedroom.
70. Renting out your garage – You can probably rent out your garage to someone with a need to shelter a car. That should fetch at least $100 per month.
71. Renting out your driveway – If there’s a major event in your area, you may be able to rent out your driveway for a night or a weekend. Keep on top of events in your area and make your driveway available for overflow parking to the facility holding the event.

Putting your specific skills to work

What is it that you’re particularly good at – that other people typically aren’t? There may be a decent payday waiting for you if you can put it into action. These won’t work for everyone, but if there’s one or more that you’re a pro at, go for it!
72. Tutoring – School tutors can easily make $30 an hour and up. That would get you to $100 in no time.
73. Teaching English – For millions of people, English is at best a second language. Offer out your skills to teach them a deeper understanding of the language for a fee. Even at $20 an hour, you’d get to $100 in short order.
74. Teaching music – Can you play a musical instrument? Even if you’re not accomplished, you may be able to teach novices. Offer your services at local senior citizens centers as a start.
75. Refereeing – You know all those people who referee recreation sports? They’re not working for free. If you’re knowledgeable about one or more sports, sign up at the local recreation commission. You can make several hundred dollars in a single, short sports season refereeing young kids.
76. Teaching software packages – Lot’s of people implement common software packages, but don’t have a clue how to use them. If you’re fluent with Word, Excel, PowerPoint or one of a number of common software packages, offer to install them and do basic training. That’s easily worth $100 or more to a lot of people.
77. Setting up new computers/troubleshooting old ones – As easy as modern computers are, a lot of people are intimidated when it comes to setting them up. Some may pay you for simple tasks like setting up passwords, email service and downloading an anti-virus package.
78. Writing blog posts – Are there blogs you like to read because you have specific knowledge of the subject matter? Offer to write articles for them. You should be able to earn at least $20 per article. Write five and you’ll have $100.
79. Bookkeeping – If you have bookkeeping skills, especially with QuickBooks experience, you should be able to pick up bookkeeping jobs that will get you to $100 very quickly. You can do one time jobs, or ongoing to keep the extra cash rolling in.
80. Office organization – There are some very successful people who are complete zeros when it comes to organization. Their offices are a wreck and lost documents can cost them money. If you’re a wiz at making order out of chaos, you may have a chance to organize offices for at least $100 a pop.
81. Light mechanic work – If you can do basic car repairs – changing oil, belts, hoses and spark plugs, or replacing batteries or mufflers, you can easily pick up extra cash. If you can do the repairs at the customer’s home, you can charge even more.
82. Process medical claims – After a major illness or surgery, a person can be inundated with medical claims. If you’re familiar with the process (filing and dealing with insurance companies) you can make some serious money straightening out someone’s medical claims.
83. Editing – You don’t have to be a professional editor to be an editor. If you’re an English major, a writer or a teacher, you may be perfect. You can find editing work on Craigslist that can be either one time assignments, or ongoing – your choice.
84. Set up simple websites – Can you design and set up simple websites? If so, you can easily charge $100 a pop. As little as you think you know, someone else knows a lot less and may see you as an expert.
85. Getting someone’s tax records organized – If you have strong administrative skills and know what certain tax documents look like, you may be able to offer your services to a disorganized someone who needs help organizing their paperwork for preparation. Tough tax season ends April 15, it actually goes to October 15 with extensions. And those who extend that far are usually in the greatest need of organizational help.
86. Graphic design services – There are millions of websites who need all kinds of services, like graphic design work. Offer to do simple jobs for as many sites as you can contact. You can find them on Craigslist sometimes, but direct contact could be more effective.
87. Social media manager – Some people are social media experts. Others don’t even know how to get started. Businesses are realizing the value of the social media. If you’re fluent in the social media, offer your services as a social media manager. You can post updates on Facebook, Twitter and any media that are relevant to a particular business.
88. Staging houses for sale – There’s a transition that takes place between living in a house and selling it. If you know the difference, and how to make a home look like a showplace, you can stage houses for sale. Offer your services to local real estate agents.
89. Event planning – Are you good at planning parties or events? Someone might need your help. Spread the word to everyone you know, and let them know what you can do.
90.BECOME AN AFFILIATE for a product you know and believe in – Everyone with a product or service to sell is looking for agents to sell them. Find products you feel strongly about, and become a dealer. Some higher priced items can fetch a $100 cut quickly.
91. Create or edit videos – YouTube is all the rage – music, how to videos, outrageous demonstrations, product reviews – you name it. If you can create videos, offer your services to businesses.
92. Buy low, sell high – If you have an eye for bargains, you may be able to buy on the cheap – at garage sales, thrift stores and elsewhere – and sell at a profit.
93. Preparing research papers – If you have a knack for research, there are businesses and individuals who could use your services. You can find some of them on Craigslist, or offer your services to local colleges.

Participating in the medical community

The medical community will pay for donations and your participation.
94. Sell blood – You can get $30 – $40 to sell your blood. Three or four donations will get you $100 in just a couple of weeks.
95. Participate in medical studies – A local hospital is offering $600 for people with high blood pressure to participate in medical trials. Hospitals and clinics do this all the time. Enough said?

Change spending habits – for a bit

Sometimes you can find extra money just by changing a habit or two – at least temporarily.
96. Eat on the cheap for a week – If you spend $200 per week for groceries, try going on a beans and rice diet (OK, pasta, potatoes, salads and other low cost foods are good too) for one week. That should cut the bill in half, getting you an extra $100 easily.
97. Don’t eat out for two weeks – A typical dinner for two at a moderately priced restaurant is about $50. Cut out those meals this week and next and you’ll have an extra $100 in your pocket.
98. Eliminate your cable TV service – A typical middle-of-the-road cable TV service runs about $100 per month. Eliminate it and you’ll have an extra $100 this month. And every month after that.
99. Give up Starbucks for a month – Are you a latte fan? At $4 per cup, you’ll save $120 if you give it up for a month.
100. Give up a “sin” for a month – If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, or drink three beers a day, going cold turkey for a month can easily leave you at least $100 richer.

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