Wednesday 17 June 2015

Top 10 Richest Peoples Of The World Story.

Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015

And there’s a reason everyone is a billionaire. It takes a lot of hard work, brains, business acumen, ambition and just a hint of being in the right place at the right time.

  1. Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
    Bill Gates – The net worth of $ 72,000,000,000
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade or two, chances are you knew Bill Gates would be somewhere near the top of that list. Warren Buffett is number two on the list, Gates is one of the most famous billionaires of our lives. In fact, it was the richest man in the world for 15 of the past 20 years. As Microsoft founder Bill Gates has amassed a large amount of wealth, and as many people know, he never even got a college degree. He attended Harvard, but eventually abandoned, which obviously has not done much harm to him by the looks of it. Gates stepped down as Microsoft chairman and pledged his time to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charity he founded with his wife. He is currently working to eradicate polio $ 335 million in pledges for the cause of six other billionaires). With buffet and more than 100 others, Bill Gates signed to give at least half their net worth to charity through the Giving Pledge. - 

Warren Buffett – The net worth of $ 58.5 billion
Besides the guy at number one, Warren Buffett is probably one of the most famous rich guy in America – and with good reason too. He is a smart investor, who happened to make all the right moves and build wealth over time – and while being practical. According to its website,, his first business was with a friend when he was in high school. He and his buddy bought a pinball machine to put in a hair salon. Instead of spending their profits, they reinvested in more machines until they had eight pinball machines in different stores. Then he sold the company and used the money toBUY STOCKS and to start another small business. Only those activities, he had won $ 174,000 at the age of 26. After adjusting for inflation, this amount is $ 1.4 million in today’s money. It almost seems too easy, right? Of course, we all know better than that. The only thing most people admire most about Buffet, however, is not that he is rich, even if he is one of the richest men in the world, he still lives in the same house he bought in 1957 for $ 31.500 and living a relatively frugal life.
  1. Larry Ellison – The net worth of $ 41 billionTop 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
Larry Ellison comes from a Jewish family in the middle class and raised by adoptive parents (her aunt and uncle) after his mother gave him at the age of nine months. He would not see his mother at birth again until he was 48 years old. After the death of his adoptive mother, he left the university and eventually moved to Northern California where he began to work for Ampex Corporation. Ellison worked on a database for the CIA he called Oracle. Finally, the company name is changed to Oracle Systems Corporation after its flagship product, and Ellison was well paid for his stake in the company, including millions of dollars in bonuses. Hobbies include billionaire collection of houses on the beach in Malibu carbon and buy Lanai Island of Hawaii (which it owns 98%). But it is not only a success in his own right, his daughter, Megan, has funded a series of Hollywood blockbuster movies, popular, including “American Hustle” and “Zero Dark Thirty”. Ellison himself makes a brief appearance in “Iron Man 2″.
  1. Michael Bloomberg – The net worth of $ 31,000,000,000
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
At one time, Michael Bloomberg was considered the richest mayor in the world. Now it is on, it’s just the 10 richest person in America. The former mayor has a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School. Bloomberg started as a general partner at Salomon Brothers, an investment bank on Wall Street, and when he was laid off, he received a severance payment of 10 million. Use of money, he created his own company, innovative systems market. He eventually resigned as CEO to pursue a political career and become the mayor of New York City. Now that he is the mayor, he moved forward with philanthropic and political plans, including focusing on its anti-gun programs in the United States and plans to help journalists form of business in Africa. He also promised $ 100 million from the Gates Foundation to eradicate polio. In total, he has given about $ 2.4 billion following charitable causes.
  1. Sheldon Adelson – Net worth $ 28.5 billion
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
Sheldon Adelson is perhaps aCASINO magnate, but his early life was not nearly as glamorous. Adelson grew up in Boston, where his father drove a taxi and his mother ran a knitting store. However, Adelson, like many on the list, started early. When he was 12, he borrowed $ 200 from his uncle so he could sell newspapers. At the age of 16, he had a candy vending machine business. He attended the City College of New York, but eventually gave up. From there, he continued with small businesses, venture into toiletry, chemical sprays to help clear the windshield frozen, and charter buses. He became a millionaire at first, but built and lost his fortune twice. In total, Adelson has created more than 50 of its own businesses. But the casino sector is where most of his fortune comes. The actions of his Las Vegas Sands are worth more than any other casino companies in the United States combined, and thanks to booming business in Asia, he is back on the richest list of the World for the first time since 2007. in 2013, he made an average of $ 32 million per day.
  1. Jeff Bezos – The net worth of $ 27.2 billion
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
If you’ve been on the Internet in the past decade, chances are good that you are familiar with the application of Jeff Bezos to fame – Love them or hate them, Amazon is the 300 pound gorilla in the market for e-commerce as an online marketplace for books and a wide variety of products. Born to a teenage mother, her parents divorced when he was still a baby. His mother remarried and his stepfather would eventually adopt. During the summers, he spent time at his ranch in Texas grandfather doing work as livestock vaccination and pipe laying. Bezos the beginning was much more humble, of course, but even as a child, he showed a great aptitude for science and technology while dismantling his crib as a toddler to the establishment of a alarm system to keep her siblings from her room. He attended Princeton University with the intention of studying physics, but later put to the electrical and computer engineering. He founded Amazon in 1994, after a cross-country drive from New York to Seattle, and founded the company in his garage.
  1. Larry Page – The net worth of $ 24.9 billion
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
It is therefore not surprising that Larry Page, co-founder of Google with Sergey Brin, was the son of a computer. In fact, his father had a doctorate in computer science, as the field has been set up and is considered a pioneer in the field. Larry Page has continued to follow the footsteps of his father, a PhD in computer science from Stanford University. While working on his thesis topic, he hooked up with another doctoral student, Brin, a nicknamed “BackRub” project began as page to explore the World Wide Web, trying to understand its link structure as a huge graph. Through their work, they created the first version of Google, and the rest, as they say, is history.
  1. Sergey Brin – The net worth of $ 24.4 billion
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google,IMMIGRATED to the United States from Russia when he was 6 years old. Because his family is Jewish, they are often victims of discrimination that makes life considerably. His father was not allowed to pursue the career he had always wanted, and finally decided they would be better moving to the United States. The family requested an exit visa, and while they were waiting for approval, both parents lost their jobs. They were forced to work temporary jobs as they waited, hoping their application would be accepted. Many others have been refused visas, but fortunately they are not. Brin graduated from Stanford University, where he earned his doctorate in computer science. During his studies, he worked with fellow PhD student Larry Page and Google was born. Sergey has released the lead role in Google, allowing the page to start the show. He is in control of the secret Google X that focuses on innovative projects such as Google Glass and driverless cars division.
  1. Carl Icahn – The net worth of $ 20.3 billion
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
Carl Icahn is a successful American businessman, investor, and is the majority shareholder of Icahn Enterprises. But it did not come from a family of investment bankers or anything close to that actually. His father was an opera singer who moved on to be a champion, even if he himself regarded as an atheist. Later, his father became a substitute teacher. His mother was also be a school teacher. Carl graduated from Princeton with a BA in philosophy, of all things. He went to medical school for two years before leaving to join the army. He began his career as a financial broker on Wall Street in 1961, and in seven years, he formed Icahn & Company, and in 1978 he began to take control of individual companies. He held important positions or control in various companies through the years included Texaco, Western Union, Viacom, Marvel Comics, Revlon, Blockbuster, Time Warner, and Herbalife. He built a reputation for himself in the process, and he became known as a “raider” after a hostile takeover of TWA in 1985. According to Forbes, he is now considered the richest man on Wall Street.
  1. George Soros – Net worth $ 20 billion
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2015
George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary. The family of his mother owned a silk shop success, while his father, a prisoner of war during World War II, was a lawyer. Being from a non-observant Jewish family, Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and emigrated to England where he lived as a poor student at the London School of Economics. He worked as a railway porter and the server, but when asked how he could go toIMMIGRATION to financial, he said he had written to every CEO of every bank in London until that he finally got a job in an investment bank. He was an entry-level position that has led to much more. Sorors finally got his doctorate in philosophy, moved to New York and finally launched his Quantum fund aa represented about $ 40 billion since its inception in 1973, making it the most successful in the history of hedge funds.
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